Projekt KUBA has ongoing coops with other political, professional, and lived-experience actors and organizations.

Marlice Larsen
Psychology student
Crisis counselor at the national suicide prevention hotline, Livslinien
Marlice Larsen
Marlice and KUBA-founder Jonas Vennike Ditlevsen cooperate on tasks and activities related to psychiatry debate, and the development of viable alternatives to psychiatry in both theory and practice. Marlice and Jonas have cowritten this piece (in Danish) published June 2023.
My main areas of interest include depsychiatrization, cultural understandings of suffering and care, autistic subjectivity, the politics and relationality in foster care systems, feminist studies, and Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Together with Projekt KUBA I am engaged in debates, podcasting, and am presently working with Jonas on non-pathological perspectives on autistic subjectivity.