The point of KUBA
Project Context-based Unusually Pleasant Alternative is an activistic endeavour whose purpose is to advance non-pathologizing perspectives on and approaches to mental distress and the human psyche.
History of the project
KUBA began when founder Jonas VD was employed within the social psychiatric system during his studies to become a psychologist (2013-2018). The sheer amount of drugs along with the pathologizing discourse caused discomfort with the job, because the institutionalized youth did not seem to benefit from either. When later Jonas got a job in psychiatry more pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Psychiatry is a system that benefits neither staff nor those in need of help. The system itself is based on fundamental and grievous misunderstandings of science, best practice, and of human nature. That’s why Projekt KUBA actively works towards advancing an alternative to the dominant psychiatric discourse and approach.
In the short run
KUBA aims to contribute to building momentum in the general populace for a change of attitude, where people will no longer accept psychiatric patologizing of the human condition. In essence, we’re talking about a paradigm shift, where one fundamental approach needs to give way to a new one. The first step in that process is education and activism.
Long term ambitions
KUBA’s long term goal would be a veritable systemic alternative to the psychiatric system. At the heart of KUBA’s philosophy lies the understanding that psychiatry is a failed endeavor that must eventually be replaced by another system based on fundamental rights and humanism.